Samsung has yet to make an official announcement about the followup to its Galaxy S Duos. But, if the company's online store in India is any indication, it won't be too long before the second-gen dual-SIM-toting handset becomes available. According to the product page, Samsung's Galaxy S Duos 2 features a 4-inch, 800 x 480 screen, a "fast and powerful" 1.2GHz processor with 768MB RAM, 4GB of internal storage (expandable up to 64GB) and a 1,500mAh battery. The listing also notes that the Duos 2 -- said to be running Android 4.2 -- will be sold for 10,999 Indian rupees, which comes out to a little over 175 bucks in the US.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Samsung
Via: Sammy Hub, Phone Arena
Source: Samsung India
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