mardi 1 octobre 2013

Etsy reworks guidelines: sellers can now hire outside staff and manufacturers

DNP Etsy reworks guidelines sellers can now hire outside staff and manufacturers

Etsy, the online marketplace for DIYers, just announced several changes to its seller policies, giving store owners significantly more control over how they run their businesses. Going forward, sellers will be able to hire as many employees as necessary, as well as use outside companies to deliver their products and outsource manufacturing to third parties (provided they receive Etsy's approval).

Most notably, these changes allow for a wider definition of "handmade" -- now, the idea for an item simply must originate with the seller. This means 3D-printed items can carry the prized handmade distinction, for instance. And this change isn't just about semantics; previously, Etsy customers could assume items that didn't look handmade were breaking the site's rules and consequently steer clear.

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Via: All Things D

Source: Etsy News Blog, Etsy's New Guidelines

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